I watched Fringe when it first came out, I was in my late teens at the time, and I thought it was a super cool series. Sci-fy, smart, funny and captivating.

Being pulled to it again last year, in my early 30s, because of some of the concepts they explore and how the show made me feel, I watched it again, and there was far more depth, emotionally, than I had experienced when I was younger.

In so many ways, the show was (and still is) far ahead of its time. For me, even while it is a work of fiction, it has historical relevance, assuming of course, we include our future as a part of history.

I have said too much.

It’s a series that begins as one thing, and you think you’re watching your standard “one episode / one self-contained story” and before you know it, you’re entangled within a larger narrative that encompasses more than you would have thought, or perhaps even imagined.

And it does this with a natural ease and grace where you actually love the characters, their challenges and their dynamics. It’s quite the ride, with immense rewatch value.

For those who enjoy exploring the limits of scientific possiblity, being on the edge of their seats, all while getting in touch with the essence of what it means to be human, with micro and macro doses of… humour… along the way, I can wholeheartedly recommend Fringe as a show to check out.

5 Seasons.

With a satisfying finish.

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23 days ago

[…] think the content of the dream was inspired directly by one movie, one series and one video game. The themes explored where personal for me and represented my approach to […]

Hey! 🧙‍♂️

I’m Soorena. I believe that life is a video game.

I’m here, now, as the specific character that I am, in the specific Earth that I am, for the fun of it.

I’ve seen that games become more fun when I commit to them – hence why I play the game of life with complete commitment – even when the game is no fun to play at all.

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