Our physical eyes are designed to see through Space.

Our third eyes are designed to see through Time.

It’s amazing to me that we actually have this capability. We can look through the dimension of time. We can look through possible pasts and possible futures.

To lead wise lives… lives that lead to improvement of life for oneself and for life around oneself… it is necessary to be able to see through the fabric we often associate with time.

A practical way to do this… is to see each action as two things:

  1. It is a thing that is done in that moment.
  1. It is a thing that paves a path for all future moments.

This is the practical meaning of having your Third Eye open, for me. When you see that what you’re doing now… paves the way for more of what you just did, to get done.

Think of the plastics in the ocean as an example… we’ve done it. Collectively. It’s been our mentality and our ways of making decisions that’s done that.

And it’s paved the way for plastics to end up within our inner-waters; and somewhat hilariously, as recent studies have shown, within our balls 😂.

It was just a matter of Time.

Using our physical eyes only, we saw that we were putting the plastics “away”. Using our third eyes, we could see that we were just creating a way for those plastics to be put into us.

Because, if you remove time out of the equation, we are our environments.

Advanced thought for a moment: part of seeing through Time includes seeing past the illusion of our temporary life as well.

For example, “Soorena” has a birth date and a death date. But the ideas I give energy to, they will live through me and beyond me.

For a truly open Third Eye, it is important to see past the illusion of relevance of your own personal death date. Then your vision becomes clear.

Then we have a higher likelihood of investing in the ideas that actually lead to the prospering of life within and without us 🙂

Be forewarned though… an open Third Eye will let you see both the darkest Timelines, as well as the brightest.

Being grounded and secure in the present moment is essential.

Otherwise, you may experience panic, disillusionment and “psychotic attacks” with the possibile realities you see.

But that is part of the life.

It’s called “The Infinite” for a reason.

By definition, only half of the infinite is what we prefer.

That’s why it’s important to focus on the direction you prefer to go. And in order to be able to do that, it’s required that you do not judge the dark possibilities as bad.

You can recognize that they’re not what you prefer, and still respect that they have just as much “right” to exist as possibilities as the possibilities you prefer.

Seeing them as “bad”, fearing them, being worried about them, only ensures that you focus unendingly on them, and then inadvertently, actually take steps in their direction.

Knowing that they’re there can be relevant.

Using them to remind you to look for and focus on the possibilities you prefer is how you can use the darkness to your advantage, and in that way, allow the darkest possibilities to act as some of your most helpful friends.

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Hey! 🧙‍♂️

I’m Soorena. I believe that life is a video game.

I’m here, now, as the specific character that I am, in the specific Earth that I am, for the fun of it.

I’ve seen that games become more fun when I commit to them – hence why I play the game of life with complete commitment – even when the game is no fun to play at all.

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